Sunday, August 30, 2009

Virtual Backpack

Just a quick post to alert you all of a new feature this year at Mann: the virtual backpack. As part of the "green" movement across District 97, buildings and staff are encouraged to provide paperless options for distribution of home and school communications.
The Thursday Packet is a large packet of information sent home weekly with students to keep Mann families connected with activities and important events happening in our school community. Now the Thursday Packet, and other flyers from the Mann Office are available in the virtual backpack. No longer will your child come home with masses of letters from the office, rather families will be directed to the virtual backpack, located on the Mann School homepage.

Remember, Curriculum Night is this Tuesday, September 1 beginning at 6:00pm in Room 108. I will go over the daily routine for the year, explain some of the intricacies of our classroom, as well as provide helpful strategies for guiding students to a successful first grade experience. I'm looking forward to meeting all the parents involved in Room 108 this year! Be sure to bring your calendar as there will be a sign-up sheet for fall parent/teacher conferences. (The week of October 19-23, 2009.)