The final days of school are approaching and it is time to celebrate the end of first grade! There are a number of first grade activities your child will be involved in and this letter is a guide to help the final days of school run smoothly.
Friday, May 30 – First Grade Read-In
Each child needs to bring 4 books, a water bottle, snack and drink, towel or blanket, board game or card game.
Monday, June 2 - Jungle Book
In the afternoon students will be watching Disney's "Jungle Book" while we take apart our classroom jungle. It will be a sad occasion but it is necessary so we can recycle all the jungle's pieces.
Tuesday, June 3 – Classroom Party - Reynolds 2:10-2:55pm
** Each child needs a large bag to bring all supplies and work home. Lockers, desks, and classroom will be cleaned thoroughly.
Wednesday, June 4 – Olympic Day
Each child needs athletic (gym) shoes, Olympic Day classroom
t-shirt, water bottle
Thursday, June 5 – Last Day of School
One hour of school – 8:00-9:00am
Thank you for your cooperation in making this year a fantastic one! I look forward to finishing the year with lots of celebration and fun!