The past two days for students have been spent taking a Cognitive Ability Test, called CogAT for short. The test is a measure of thinking ability by students and will be used to help curtail individualized instruction. With a strict testing protocol in place, the exam offered a good opportunity to get familiar with paper and pencil testing procedures in fourth grade. Computer based testing procedures will be taught and practiced next week when fourth graders take the Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) for the first time.
Today, students were given a break from classroom testing to visit the auditorium for a presentation from our Media Specialist and Reading teacher. The two presented the Read to Feed program our school is participating in this year. Each child will receive a packet that details the program and gives necessary information to get started with helping to build stronger communities around the world. Starting the process is simple. All your child has to do is read!
With so many different activities happening in the beginning of the school year, it may be difficult for students to get into a daily and nightly routine. Please help your child by setting aside time after school or at night to read, complete homework assignments, and find enrichment activities. Reading should be as routine for children as it is for adults. Homework assignments should be written in student planners. Enrichment activities can be things your child is working on at home or online activities and websites that focus on specific skills or brain development. All fourth grade teachers at Mann have blogs set up with great links to get your child learning using online tools. If there is a site you or your child has found that is especially engaging, please share it with me and I'll add it to one of my lists.